Family Fun Day & Raffle Drawing

Time: 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. 
The drawing will begin after the 4:00 pm Mass

Parishioners please consider taking a picture of the ticket and putting it on your Facebook page to help sell the tickets!!

Please turn in your sold tickets and money as soon as possible.  You may continue to sell tickets up until the day of the raffle.



The Mother’s Day Mass cards are in the back of the church. They are also available in the office.  Please write the name of the mother being honored on the large envelope and place your donation inside. Keep the card and smaller envelope to send to the person for whom the Mass is being celebrated. If you are honoring a deceased mother, please use the “In Memory of a Mother” envelope.

** Please return the large envelope with the names so the Mass intentions may be kept on the altar during the month of May.

Day Retreat at Blessed Seelos Church

Friday, April 30th

The women’s prayer group, SPEAK, will be hosting a follow-up evening to the “No Greater Love” day retreat series that was held the weekend of Palm Sunday. On Friday, April 30th from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm at Blessed Seelos we will have an evening celebrating and learning more about the Resurrection of Jesus. This evening is open to both women and men, even to those who did not attend the No Greater Love day retreat. There is no cost to attend. We will have dinner together, Father Godfrey will give a talk on the Resurrection of Jesus and we will have time with Jesus in Adoration with our praise and worship music ministry. Space is limited so preregistration is required. To register, call or email  

Cherie Prentiss at 228-365-4017 or or Amiee Gautreaux at 337-296-5987 or

We Appreciate You!


We would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication in supporting our parish during the Lenten seafood dinners! It makes a difference when everyone pulls together and helps. In both parishes, the dinners continue to be successful and it is because of the hard work of everyone that makes this happen. Thank you so much.

** Our net proceeds were $ 12,139.32 **

Vacation Bible School

   SAVE THE DATE!! We are excited to announce the joint effort of the churches of St. Michael, Blessed Francis Seelos Xavier, and Our Mother of Sorrows in offering a Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School.It will be held on the week of June 14-18 from 9:00am-noon in the Family Life Center at St. Michael. It will be open to  children from inside or outside these parishes, who will be entering Kindergarten in August through those kids who just completed 5th grade. Those who have finished 6th grade and older will be welcome to come and help as youth volunteers. We will also have an opportunity for adults to volunteer and join in the fun. Our theme and other details will be announced in the next few weeks. For more info or to inquire about volunteering you may contact your VBS director, Cherie Prentiss 228-365-4017 or

RCIA Confirmandi

We welcome the following to our faith community of Blessed Seelos Parish:  Mercede Jones, Linda Litke, Angela Nation and Daniel Nation.  As you have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, may you  enrich the world around you with Christ’s love!