The Father’s Day Mass cards are in the back of the church.  Please write the name of the father being honored on the large envelope, place your donation inside, and place it in the collection. Keep the card and smaller envelope to send to the person for whom the Mass is being celebrated.  If you are honoring a deceased father, please use the “In Memory of a Father” envelope.  ** Please return the large envelope with the names so the Mass intentions may be kept on the altar during the month of June. Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19th.

Honoring our Mother, Mary

Many things can be said about Catholics,  but it can never be said that we don’t honor our Mother!  May, when the earth blooms in springtime beauty, is an ideal time for our thoughts and sentiments to be directed towards this supremely lovely Queen of Heaven and Earth, who busily labors from her heavenly throne to conquer hearts, minds, and souls for the greater glory of her Son.

Here are nine ways that you can honor Mary:

            1.  Flower your Mary statue.                                   2.  Pray a novena to our Lady.  

            3.  Read a book about Mary.                                   4.  Spread devotion to the rosary.  

            5.  Learn about a new Marian devotion.              6.  Share the Miraculous Medal.  

            7.  Get invested in the scapular.                             8.  Memorize a Marian prayer or hymn.  

            9.  Pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


If you have a student who will graduate high school or college, please call the office with their information as soon as possible.  We would like to recognize them in the bulletin and the Gulf Pine Catholic.  Our deadline for this information is Wednesday, May 25th .