Special Collection Extension Society Aug 5-6

**There will be a special collection next weekend, August 5th / 6th for the Extension Society.  This collection helps support and strengthens poor mission dioceses across the United States.  Please be generous in your support. 

The bishops of the United States established the national collections to support the Church’s works of social justice, evangelization and education.  Jesus reminds us that the two greatest commandments are to love God with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. The national collections offer us an opportunity to help our neighbors in the light of the Gospel. In doing so, we act as faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us. 

Men’s Cursillo

The next men’s Cursillo will begin Thursday evening, September 21st and will end Sunday afternoon, September 24th.  Cursillo is an opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith and grow more in our spiritual life.  Any parishioner who has not attended a Cursillo weekend is highly encouraged to take advantage of the experience.  **Applications are in the back of the church or you may download and print an application here.


If you have stood as a visitor to our community before, and because you enjoyed being with us you continue to come, please seriously consider registering with Blessed Seelos as your faith community.  We would love to have you as a part of our family.  Just fill out the registration form in the  back of church and put it in the offertory basket.  Thank you. 

God loves you and so do we!