Sept. 4th – Monday OFFICE CLOSED
In observance of Labor Day
In observance of Labor Day
The Biloxi Diocese has announced plans for a new Formation Class for the Diaconate to begin in the fall of 2024. Pre-selection information sessions will be conducted from 8:30 am until Noon on the following days: Saturday, September 23rd at St. Thomas Parish in Long Beach; Saturday, Sept. 30th at St. Thomas Parish in Hattiesburg; and Saturday, October 14th at St. Mary Parish in Gautier. For interested men who think you may have a calling, attendance at one of these sessions is mandatory with your wife. Please see Fr. Daniel or call Deacon Calvin Authement at 601-520-0906 or Deacon Mike Harris at 228-342-1536.
Prayer for Discernment
God our Father, You have a plan for each one of us, You hold out to us a future full of hope. Give us the wisdom of Your Spirit So that we can see the shape of Your plan In the gifts You have given us, And in the circumstances of our daily lives. Give us the freedom of Your Spirit, To seek You with all our hearts, And to choose Your will above all else. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.