Special Collection Jan 4-5 for Aged and Infirmed Priests

There will be a special collection next weekend, January 4h / 5th for the Aged and Infirm Priests. The cost of providing healthcare and other necessary expenses for our retired priests has grown. Please be generous in your support.

Christmas Mass Schedule

Vigil Mass – 4:00 pm

Spanish Mass – 7:30 pm

Christmas Day – 8:30 am

Spanish Mass – 11:00 am


We are updating our parish records and want to ensure we have the correct information.  If you have a change of address or phone number, or if you are not receiving offertory envelopes or the Gulf Pine Catholic and would like to, please call the office.

SPEAK  Advent Retreat

Saturday, Dec. 14th   
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Blessed Seelos Parish Hall

Join SPEAK and prepare for the birth of Jesus with a day of prayer and reflection.  This FREE retreat is open to both men and women.  A light breakfast and full lunch will be provided. Registration is required. For more information and to register, please pick up a flier in the back of church.  You may also contact Cherie Prentiss at 228-365-4017 or speakprayerministry@gmail.com  or Amiee Gautreaux at 337-296-5987.