Pilgrimage Statue of the Holy Infant of Good Health

This Sunday, September 3rd the Pilgrimage Statue of the Holy Infant of Good Health will visit Blessed Seelos Parish at the 8:30 am Mass. We will pray for our parishioners who are sick. After Mass, we will administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

We encourage everyone to approach Him as little children trusting and knowing that He will answer our prayers according to what is best for each of us according to God’s will, but most of all, realizing and believing that He will give us the courage and strength we need and be with us to carry our cross daily.

Fun Fact:

Holy Infant of Good Health Shrine in Mississippi Biloxi Diocesan Shrine

In 1956, Margot James, a devout lady in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi brought the Devotion to the United States.

From here the devotion spread rapidly to many states and other continents, a testimony to the universal acceptance of Jesus’ invitation to became as little children.

In 1994, God called Margot James home. The Mother Superior and Community of Sisters in Morelia, gave their blessings and entrusted the mission of spreading the devotion to the Holy Infant to a family and friends in Mississippi who had grown to love the Holy Infant.

On February 15, 1997, the dedication of the first Chapel in honor of the Holy Infant of Good Health in the United States was blessed by the Most Rev. Lawson Howze, Bishop of Biloxi, at St. Ann Church in Clermont Harbor, MS.

On November 10, 1999, the statue of the Holy Infant housed in the Chapel was taken to Morelia, Mexico, and blessed by Bishop Estanislao Alcarza to become the Traveling Pilgrim Statue for the United States. Since then, the Pilgrim Statue has traveled to many states. In April of 2006, Archbishop Alberto Suarez Inda of Morelia blessed the Image that is now housed in the Shrine.

On May 18, 2004, the Most Rev. Thomas Rodi, Bishop of Biloxi, issued a decree declaring the Chapel a Diocesan Shrine – now known as the Holy Infant of Good Health Shrine. Archbishop Alberto Suarez Inda of Morelia was also present, along with the Missionaries of the Holy Infant Jesus of Good Health, for this glorious celebration.

Still in the mood for Latino Food? (YES!)

It’s Taco Time !!!

Join us this Sunday, September 3rd from 8 am – 5 pm in the Parish Hall

Tacos , Chicken Quesadillas, and Fruit Cups

Come join us for some Authentic Latino Food and help support our parish fundraiser!!

Welcome Back to Church Sunday – Sept. 1

“Return Home to Your Catholic Faith”

On September 16th & 17th, we will celebrate National Back to Church Sunday. This is a great time to offer an invitation to those we know that have fallen away from the Church. HOPE HAPPENS HERE!!

You can make a difference in someone’s life by inviting them to come back home to their Catholic faith!


The Biloxi Diocese has announced plans for a new Formation Class for the Diaconate to begin in the fall of 2024. Pre-selection information sessions will be conducted from 8:30 am until Noon on the following days: Saturday, September 23rd at St. Thomas Parish in Long Beach; Saturday, Sept. 30th at St. Thomas Parish in Hattiesburg; and Saturday, October 14th at St. Mary Parish in Gautier. For interested men who think you may have a calling, attendance at one of these sessions is mandatory with your wife. Please see Fr. Daniel or call Deacon Calvin Authement at 601-520-0906 or Deacon Mike Harris at 228-342-1536.

Prayer for Discernment

God our Father, You have a plan for each one of us, You hold out to us a future full of hope. Give us the wisdom of Your Spirit So that we can see the shape of Your plan In the gifts You have given us, And in the circumstances of our daily lives. Give us the freedom of Your Spirit, To seek You with all our hearts, And to choose Your will above all else. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

We will have the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 8 am until 11 am. Come spend some time with Jesus! Fr. Daniel is available for Reconciliation during this time.