We are requesting new blankets and handwarmers for those experiencing homelessness during the wintertime. Donation deadline is Friday December 8th. You may drop them off at the parish office.
We are requesting new blankets and handwarmers for those experiencing homelessness during the wintertime. Donation deadline is Friday December 8th. You may drop them off at the parish office.
We are so grateful for the opportunity God is giving our parishes to join together to tell the story of the Birth of Baby Jesus through words and music. This is for all children ages 3 to 12. Teens and adults ages 13 and up are welcome to be a part of the choir. Please pick up an information / sign up sheet in the back of church. Please turn in the bottom portion of the form as soon as possible. Our first practice will be on Monday, December 2nd. For more information, please call Cherie Prentiss at 228-365-4017 or email
We are now taking Mass Intention requests for 2025. Please know there are many dates available for Mass Intentions during the week. Because many parishioners have a preference for Masses to be celebrated on weekends, we find it necessary to limit the number of Mass requests made by any one person to six (6) weekend Masses per year. This will give everyone an opportunity for weekend requests.
The parish office will be closed on November 1st in observance of All Saints Day.
Holy Day of Obligation
Mass Times: 7:30am & 6:00pm
During the months of November and December, our youth we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the St. Martin de Porres Society. The need for such items is particularly acute during the holiday season. Please begin to bring your donations and place them in the collection box in the back of the church. Please ensure the food items have not expired. Thank you for your continued support.
All Souls Day is November 2nd. If you would like to have remembrance prayers said for deceased loved ones or friends, please fill out the “All Souls” (November 2nd) envelope provided in your offertory envelopes. List the names on the back of the envelope. You may place the envelopes in the collection. There are extra envelopes in the back of church. The envelopes will be kept on the altar for the month of November.