Mon., July 27th; 6:00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration at Our Mother of Sorrows
Mon., July 27th; 6:00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration at Our Mother of Sorrows
**There will be a special collection next weekend, August 1st / 2nd for the Extension Society. This collection helps support and strengthens poor mission dioceses across the United States. Please be generous in your support.
We are in need of a “cleaning crew” to clean our church. At the moment, the month of August is open. A crew usually consists of four to five people and that group is responsible for cleaning the church for a month. Please call the office if you are able to help.
Corporal Works of Mercy are a balm to your soul.
Our Mother of Sorrows
July 20th 6:00 p.m.
With loving provident care, O Mother Most Amiable,
you covered us with your Scapular as a shield of defense
against the Evil One. Through your assistance, may we
bravely struggle against the powers of evil, always open
to your Son Jesus Christ.